Gravity Payments

Pax A920

Download the Pax A920 troubleshooting guide here

Change Date & Time

The PAX A920 has the ability to auto update IF you have ‘Daylight Time’ selected for your Time zone. If the time zone says ‘Standard Time’ you device will not automatically update and you will need to follow the instructions below to edit the time. 

  1. Exit out of the Omaha app by pressing the circle ‘home’ icon, then press “ok” when asked to exit current application
  2. Tap on the settings app (looks like a grey gear)
  3. Scroll down and tap on Date & Time 
  4. Tap on Set Time 
  5. Toggle off ‘Automatic date & time’ 
  6. Drag the line on the clock to the correct hour, then release. Then drag the minute hand to the proper minute and then release, then tap OK
  7. Press the circle ‘home’ icon to get back to the app screen, then tap the Omaha app to return to the usual payment screen
  8. The new time should be reflected in the very top right corner of the screen

Credit Sale:

  1. Confirm that Credit is highlighted 
  2. Select Sale
  3. Enter the Amount
  4. Enter Tip Amount (optional)
  5. Swipe, Insert or Tap the Credit Card
  6. The receipt will print
  7. Select OK to print a customer copy
  8. Select Cancel if you do not want to print a customer copy
  9. The terminal will go back to the main screen

Credit Return:

  1. Confirm that Credit is highlighted on the main screen
  2. Select Return
  3. Enter the Amount
  4. Swipe, Insert, or tap the card that you want to return the funds to
  5. A receipt will print
  6. To print a customer copy of the receipt, select OK
  7. To bypass printing a customer receipt, select Cancel

Debit Sale:

  1. Confirm that debit is highlighted on the main screen
  2. Select Sale
  3. Enter the Amount
  4. Swipe, insert or tap the debit card
  5. The customer will enter their pin number
  6. Select the green button
  7. The receipt will print
  8. Select OK if you would like to print a customer copy

Adjust a tip

  1. Select Func. from the main screen
  2. Select Tip Menu
  3. Select View Untipped Transactions
  4. Select the original transaction
  5. Enter the tip amount
  6. Select Confirm
  7. The tip will be added to the transaction

Close Batch

  1. If you are accepting tips, ensure your tips have been adjusted (click here to learn how to adjust your tips).
  2. Select Func. from the main screen.
  3. Select Batch.
  4. Select Close Batch.
  5. The batch will close and the batch report will print.

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