Gravity Payments

Star Micronics TSP143III printer

Connect a Star Micronics TSP143III printer for orders

Connect your order printer by plugging in cords and cables and loading properly sized paper.This thermal printer is built to print quietly, and works best in areas with normal amounts of heat and humidity.You can use this printer as an order printer or a payment receipt printer or both.

Unbox your printer
This printer works with Clover systems on the Counter Service and Table Service plans.You’ll find these items in the box:

  • The Star Micronics TSP143III printer
  • A 5-foot power cable
  • A Cat5 Ethernet cable long enough to go from the printer to the router

You’ll also need:

  • A nearby power source
  • A modem connected to the internet
  • A router to allow multiple internet connections at the same time

Connect the order printer to the network

  1. Plug one end of the Ethernet cable into the printer and the other end into the router. Your Clover device should also be connected to this router, either directly or via WiFi. These 4 Clover devices can use either Ethernet or Wi-Fi to send orders and receipts for printing: Station Pro, Station 2, Station, Mini. These 2 Clover devices use Wi-Fi, only, to send orders and receipts for printing: Mobile, Flex.
  2. Plug the power cable into the printer.
  3. Plug the other end of the power cable into a power source.
  4. On the left side of the printer, switch the power on.

Load paper into your printer

  1. Make sure the printer is off.
  2. Open the paper compartment.
  3. Drop in the paper roll so the end comes toward the front of the printer along the printer compartment bottom.
  4. Pull out about an inch of paper and close the printer cover.

Bring online a connected order printer

Bring connected order printers online to use them in your Clover POS network.

Connect the Star Micronics printer to your Clover Device

If you’re setting up the printer inside your Clover device, make sure your device is plugged in, connected to your network, and activated. Haven’t done that yet? Start by setting up POS devices.

If you’re setting up a Star Micronics accessory printer, make sure the printer is plugged in and connected to the same network as your Clover system. Haven’t done that yet? Connect the Star Micronics accessory printer to your network.

  1. On your Clover device, select the Printers app, and in the lower right corner, select Add.
  2. Choose the Order Printer you wish to connect. The app shows you all printers connected to your Clover network.
  3. From the list of connected printers, select the printer by name. After you select the printer, the system recognizes your printer, brings it online, and adds it to the online printers list.
  4. (Optional) Select Add and repeat these steps for each printer you want to add. For example, if you want the system to print orders on your Clover device printer and a Star Micronics order printer, add each printer, one at a time.
  5. You can take a printer offline when you want to temporarily stop printing orders. You’ll need to do this on the printer. 

Set up order printing details

Set up printing details for order printers by choosing settings and options.You can choose whether to print orders automatically or on request, what the order receipt shows, and which printer accepts orders to print. You can also set up your system so that items go to individual order printers.

  1. On your Clover device, open the Setup app.
  2. Select Order Receipts and Sticky Labels.
  3. On the Order Receipts tab, you can see whether your order printer is connected. If you don’t see it listed here, you can add it now by plugging it in, connecting it to your Clover network, opening the Printers app, tapping Add, and then choosing Order Printer.
  4. How will order receipts be printed in Register?
    1. Manual printing.Tap the printer icon to print manually. Waits for the cashier to tap the printer icon to print the order.
    2. Automatic printing. Prints the order automatically, based on the options you choose here:
    3. All items. This sends every item to the order printer. If you have more than one order printer, the cashier taps Pay and then chooses which printer gets the order.
    4. Only items with printer labels. This sends items with a custom printer label to the order printer. This requires special setup. To use a custom printer label, choose this option here. Then read the next section on setting up items to go to individual order printers.
      Manually print an item with no labels. Allows the cashier to tap the printer icon to send the order to the printer, just like the manual printing option above.
    5. Auto Printing – When to Print:
      1. When Pay or Save is tapped. Sends the order when the cashier taps either of these two buttons to get the order started.
      2. When Pay is tapped. Sends the order at the start of payment.
      3. When Save is tapped. Sends the order before payment.
      4. When customer receipts are printed. Sends the order at payment completion.
  5. Reprinting. To prevent fraud, you can permit only your manager to reprint labels. To do this, choose Reprinting order labels requires manager passcode.
  6. Order numbers
    1. None. Leaves numbers off of orders.
    2. Manual. Allows the cashier to enter a number with each order.
    3. Automatic. Adds numbers maintain an order count. You can enter a maximum order number, for example, 99, after which order numbering resets at 1. And you can reset numbering to 1 at the time your business day starts.
  7. Order Receipt Appearance
    As you choose options, look at the order preview image to see right now what the receipt will look like.
    1. Large Font. Prints order receipts with the largest available letters and numbers. In the box on the right, you can see a preview showing how the label will look.
    2. Blank lines in header. Scrolls some extra paper with each order receipt. You can decide how many lines of paper to add.
    3. Order note. Allows the cashier to add a note with an order. This is useful for special preparation instructions.
    4. Use alternate inventory names. Prints the alternate name on the label. If the employees preparing the order speak another language, consider using alternate names.
    5. Group line items. Lists similar items on one line.
    6. Modifier group names. Adds the name of the associated modifier group to the order.
    7. Condense modifiers. Combines common modifiers for easier understanding.
    8. Customer information. Adds the customer’s name to the label when available.


If you want all your orders to go to one order printer, you’re all set here. If you haven’t set up a receipt printer, continue by adding a receipt printer to your Clover network.

If you want items in some orders to go to certain order printers, follow the steps to automatically send items to order printers.

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