Gravity Payments

Business Strategy & Advice

Work At A CPA Firm? You Need These 4 Things.

Now that your CPA firm’s “busy” season is over (hopefully) and you’ve served your clients’ best interests, it’s time to start thinking about how you can best serve your CPA firm. As a CPA firm, your clients trust you to have all the numbers added up, so it’s your responsibility to make sure you’re providing […]
Business Strategy & Advice

4 Apps That Will Make Running Your Restaurant Remarkably Easier

Clover® POS is one of the most popular point-of-sale systems on the market because of its clean, sleek, all-in-one design and its remarkably robust app market. Clover POS Station’s cutting edge technology, backed by the support of Gravity Payments, empowers restaurant owners to accept credit cards and run their business easily so they can spend […]
Business Strategy & Advice

Giving Employees Raises Is Better for the Bottom Line

There is no doubt that the distractions caused by low income can impede an employee’s ability to perform at work. This expense is real, and it’s costing your business. As the boss, you can try the latest leadership methodology or implement incentive programs. You can give an employee-of-the-month award or a gift certificate to a […]
Business Strategy & Advice

Become a Servant Leader in 4 Steps

It’s time for your annual performance review. You walk into your boss’s office, sit down and prepare for the litany of clichéd critiques and uninspiring atta boys. You try to decipher the feedback and pull out some actionable items, but grounding the theoretical appraisal proves difficult. You leave the room with your intrinsic motivation weakened […]
Business Strategy & Advice

Why Corporate Executives Need to Listen to Front-Line Employees As Much As Other Executives

On Monday, we asked followers on our Facebook page to answer this question: “How are you treated at work? Are you just another employee in the system – irrelevant, expendable, and just another cog on the wheel? Or are you valued as a human being with unique ideas and perspectives?” We know that change is not […]
Business Strategy & Advice

‘Tis the Season…for Gift Cards

The holiday season is fast-approaching, meaning it’s time to buy gifts. Gift cards are more popular than ever. According to the National Retail Federation, the average shopper will spend $163 on gift cards this year alone. That brings the total gift card market to an estimated $29.8 billion – that’s a new record! With all […]
Business Strategy & Advice