Gravity Payments

Accept payments seamlessly within OrthoChart.

Gravity Payments is trusted by OrthoChart, LLC. to provide reliable payment processing and outstanding customer service to your business.

Save Time & Improve Accuracy

We’ll provide an integrated payments solution that helps you save time and reduce error.

Competitive Rates

Immediate cost savings and the peace of mind knowing exactly what you’re paying for.

Real People, Real Support

Round the clock, in-house customer support with an average wait of just 36 seconds.

PAX S300

Your new device:
The PAX s300

The S300 is a strong staple and a hit in the retail community. Featuring NFC and a 3.5” color touch screen, It’s versatile, fully featured, with a display that’s easy for customers to navigate, in a size that takes up minimal desk space.

We’re more than credit card processing.

Experience the benefits of unrivaled customer support, competitive lending, and powerful technology.

Signature Capture

Execute and store agreements securely on OrthoChart, with the convenience of taking signatures directly on-device.

Reliable Hardware Solutions

The latest devices (featuring NFC-ready, Wifi, and Cellular) to support your business today – and as you grow.

Save Card Support

Convenient tokenized storage of your customers’ payment information within OrthoChart for fast recurring billing.

Need Cash, Fast?

Get quick and easy funding to grow, evolve or sustain your business with Gravity Capital.

Fill out the form below:

Schedule a call:

Let’s talk about how you’re processing now, and how integrating payments into your software can save you money and time.

Each call takes about 15 minutes.