Gravity Payments

How much are you spending in monthly payment processing fees?

Find out with our rate calculator. If your effective rate seems high, get a free in-depth rate review with one of our consultants.

Review your Current Rates

Use our Rate Calculator to get a high-level overview of your current payment processing rates, called an “effective rate”.

This shows the average percentage of fees associated with each transaction.

If your effective rate seems high, get a free in-depth rate review with one of our consultants.



patient paying at the vet clinic

How to Find Your Effective Rate for Payment Processing

To make sure you’re not being taken for a ride, learn know how to calculate your effective rate for payment processing.


Surcharging: Everything You Need to Know

Learn what surcharging is, what the pros and cons of surcharging are, and determine whether it is right for your small business.

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