The food-delivery Goliaths are killing restaurants. Let’s change that.

Join Dan Price’s effort to create a food-delivery service for Main Street, not Wall Street
The high margins charged by the food-delivery behemoths are hurting independent restaurants. Let’s create something better together. A service that supports small businesses, instead of trying to dominate them.
Want to join the team?
Right now, we’re looking for people to help us. Are you a developer? A marketer? Do you have restaurant experience? Something else to bring to the (ahem) table?
If you do — and if you believe in putting purpose over profit — share your contact information below. We’ll be in touch.
Fill out the form below:
Schedule a call:
Let’s talk about how you’re processing now, and how integrating payments into your software can save you money and time.
Each call takes about 15 minutes.