When applying to a small business loan, the prospect of receiving large sums of cash is exciting to business owners. However, when it comes to repayment, servicing a fixed repayment schedule can become extremely difficult and not feasible.
Traditional lenders make sure their borrowers are providing them with the highest rate of return on their investment. This often includes recurring interest on principal (as frequent as weekly!), ensuring they get paid interest first, hidden fees, late payment fees, early repayment fees, and an exhaustingly long list of other techniques.
Small business owners are hurting and are being taken advantage of by these big lenders. That’s why at Gravity, we came up with a repayment plan that works for merchants and offers them the flexibility that traditional lenders can, but will not offer.
Now is a great time to process with Gravity Payments as new and existing merchants can take advantage of the Gravity Capital program. This program allows merchants to repay their funding through their credit card processing revenue. Gravity merchants have the option to choose the factor rate and repayment percentage that works best for them. Repayment is as simple, as we collect that percentage from merchant daily processing volume.
The best part is, there are no monthly minimums or fixed monthly repayment obligations. Traditionally, small business owners are the only ones that bear the risk of not only running their business, but also ensuring that lenders are making their money back in surplus.
Gravity believes in investing in our merchants. Meaning, we get paid when our merchants get paid and according to their earnings. If a merchant processes $100,000 a month, they pay the agreed upon percentage of that and if they process $10,000, they will still pay that agreed upon percentage. If there are days and months when the business is not doing well, merchants should not fear paying off set payments or worry about incurring more interest.
We are with our merchants every step of the way and only get paid back according to their performance. Since Gravity doesn’t have recurring interest rates, merchants can be assured they will not be penalized if they repay their balance over a longer period of time.
Interested in learning more about Gravity Capital? You can learn more and contact our team here.