Gravity Payments

Pax S300

 Reading Time: 2 minutes

User Manual

Download the Pax s300 user manual here

Set Date and Time
  1. Hold down the blue function button while simultaneously pressing the 1 button.
  2. The terminal will prompt you to enter in the password.
  3. Enter the password.
  4. Press green enter key.
  5. To get to the system’s settings menu, press the down arrow key on the screen.
  6. Select System Settings.
  7. Select Date/Time Setup.
  8. Enter in today’s date.
  9. Press green enter key.
  10. Enter in the time.
  11. Press green enter key.
  12. To get back to the main screen, select Menu.

Close a batch
  1. Hold down the blue function key while simultaneously pressing the 1 key.
  2. The terminal will prompt you to enter in the device’s password.
  3. Enter in the password.
  4. Press the green enter key.
  5. Select Hosts Settings.
  6. Enter in the password again.
  7. Press green enter key.
  8. Select the down arrow to get to the Batch Close option.
  9. Select Batch Close.

Review a batch
  1. Hold down the blue function key while simultaneously pressing the 1 key.
  2. Select Display Transaction.
  3. Select Review.
  4. The terminal will prompt you to enter in the device’s password.
  5. Enter in the password
  6. Press the green enter key.
  7. The terminal screen will give you a breakdown of your transactions.
  8. Select the transactions you would like to review. This will show you all the transactions for that type of card.
  9. To get back to the main screen, select Menu.

Manual Transaction Entry  

Run sale from POS like normal. When terminal prompts for a swipe/insert card start typing the card number on key pad  Press enter (green arrow key) after you have input the card number  Enter Exp. Date EX: 0917 = September of 2017  Press enter (green arrow key)  Enter 3 digit CVV code located on the back of the card Page 2 of 2  Press enter (green arrow key)  Have customer sign the pin pad